Monday, July 23, 2012

Arty Alone.

Well, funny story, this is called Arty and Friends. There are no friends posting here other than me (for now). BUT, who knows, maybe someone will be worthy enough. I used to write a blog entitled, "Zombie Digest" and it was all about zombie culture, and horror culture. It sucked, so I stopped. The only major perk was meeting cool people with brilliant minds, unlike myself. I wanted to expand that foolery past the horror world. Arty and Friends is a world full of... ME, and shit that I find cool. I'm a very nostalgic person, so that's pretty much one of the exits this blog will be turning off on. I'm also a gadget whore, as well as a movie collector. I like to voice my opinions, and be arrogant about things I'm not 100% educated on. The one thing that needs to be known is that I love all of you... if you read this.

Note: This blog is non diet related. I do not post anything in the diet blog anymore because I found that dieting on my own without sharing to the world made me happier and less sensationalistic. Yes, I feel like my life was more of sensationalism, than people caring. My health was not your entertainment, and that is one area I failed in mentally with sharing that shit in the first place. If people cared, they'd talk to me on a personal level. So we'll end it there.

Hope everyone reads. This blog will be a mixture of EVERYTHING. That's also a sign that I'll probably forget about this in about... 20 hours. ENJOY!

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